Subscription for initialisation events
Map of local property names to server ones
Version of the data
Scheme used to authenticate the user
ID of the authority associted with the auth method
URL from the SSO provider for authorisation
Subject for change events to the class object
Application ID from the SSO provider providing the OAuth services
Application secret from the SSO provider providing the OAuth services
Unix epoch in seconds of the creation time of the object
Unique Identifier of the object
Mapping of engine values to SSO provider values
Human readable name of the object
URL to grab user's profile details with a valid token
Space seperated access scopes for the user
HTTP URL of the SSO provider
HTTP Method used to generating tokens
URL for generating user tokens
Get map of changes to the resources
Update the value of a property
Name of the property
New value for the property
Clear any pending changes to object
Make request to delete the resource on the server
Emits change event
Type of change that has occurred
Supporting metadata for the event
Save any changes made to the server
Convert object into plain object
Generated using TypeDoc
Map of unsaved property changes