Observable fo the connection status subject value
Subjects for listening to values of bindings
Listener for debugging events
Interval ID for the server ping callback
Observers for the binding subjects
Request responders
Request promises
Websocket for connecting to engine
Whether the websocket is connected
Bind to status variable on the given system module
Binding request options
Clear health check timer
Connect to engine websocket
Create websocket connection
Listen to debug logging for on the given system module binding
Debug request options
Execute method on the given system module
Exec request options
Handle websocket request error
Error response
Update the current value of the binding
Binding details
New binding value
Handle websocket success response
Success message
Stop listen to debug logging for on the given system module binding
Debug request options
Listen to binding changes on the given status variable
Binding details
Callback for value changes
Callback for messages from the server
Message from the engine server
Handle errors on the websocket
Network error response
Send ping through the websocket
Close old websocket connect and open a new one
Send request to engine through the websocket connection
New request to post to the server
Listen to websocket status changes
Unbind from a status variable on the given system module
Unbind request options
Get current binding value
Binding details
Generated using TypeDoc
BehaviorSubject holding the connection status of the websocket